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Key Elements of Advertising Regulation in Belgium

In Belgium, advertising laws are anchored in the principles laid out in the "Code of Economic Law" (CEL), particularly Book VI, which integrates European Union directives regarding consumer protection and market practices. Here are some key aspects of Belgian advertising law:
Consumer Protection Laws: The CEL encompasses regulations designed to protect consumers, including stringent guidelines on misleading and comparative advertising. This set of laws aims to ensure that all advertising is truthful and does not deceive or mislead the consumer.
Unfair Competition Laws: Belgian advertising law is designed to prevent practices that could distort fair competition among businesses. This includes deceptive advertising that might lead consumers to make decisions they otherwise wouldn’t have made.
Intellectual Property Laws: These laws ensure that advertising respects copyright and trademark regulations, protecting the intellectual property of others.
Environmental Claims: Under the self-regulatory Code for Environmental Advertising (CEA), all environmental claims in advertising must be truthful and in compliance with applicable environmental legislation and programs.
Digital Advertising: Special considerations are taken for online and digital advertising, ensuring that all forms of digital communication, including social media, adhere to the same standards as traditional media. This includes the transparency of advertising identities and the clear delineation of promotional content.