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Overview of Advertising Standards and Regulations in Morocco

In Morocco, advertising is regulated through various legal frameworks that ensure advertising practices are fair, transparent, and respectful of consumer rights. Here are the main regulatory points:

Substantiation Requirement: All advertising claims must be substantiated. This ensures that claims are accurate, truthful, and not misleading to consumers.
Comparative Advertising: Comparative advertising is permitted as long as it is truthful, not misleading, and based on verifiable information. It should not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
Price Advertising: Advertising that involves pricing must clearly reflect the actual costs that will be incurred by the consumer. This includes advertisements that promote 'free' products, which must clearly disclose any additional conditions or costs.
Prohibited Products and Practices: Certain products like tobacco and alcoholic beverages have strict advertising restrictions, particularly concerning the timing and manner of their advertising to protect public health. False, misleading, or deceptive advertising practices are prohibited.
Enforcement: The Moroccan government enforces these advertising laws through regulatory authorities with remedies for non-compliance including fines and potential bans on advertising.